The Declaration on Research Assessment and Measuring Research Impact

Michael Todd, editor of Social Science Space, a SAGE website, recently interviewed Chair of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, or DORA, Stephen Curry, about the work organization 10 years after its launch.

SAGE is a proud signatory of DORA, an organization to “catalyze change” in areas such as research assessment, open science, and human equity. As an independent company, SAGE is free to experiment with new ways of measuring impactful research that go beyond impact factor.

Stephen speaks about the problems with measuring journal impactor factor, stating, “What I would like to see is publishers demonstrating that they understand that the impact factor is a crude measure, even for the journal, and to display the citation distributions on which their impact factor is determined.” With DORA, he hopes to “get people to think that if you are assessing research or a researcher, then you really need to be assessing the particular contribution and the particular individual.” Read the full interview by clicking below.