Travel Grant Contest: In an era of great transformation for the library, how is the role of the librarian being redefined?

Enter our contest for the chance to win a registration and travel stipend for the 2024 Charleston Conference 

Sage’s 2024 Charleston Library Contest is now open for entries. To enter, we’re asking academic librarians and library workers to submit a response to this question:  

In an era of great transformation for the library, how is the role of the librarian being redefined?  

Email submissions to with the subject line “2024 Charleston Library Contest” and include:  

  • Your name  

  • Your email address   

  • Name of your library (if applicable) and work higher education institution  

  • A response to the above question between 100 to 200 words 

Entries must be submitted by September 13th, 2024, at 11:59 PM PST.  

The grand prize winner will receive complimentary registration to the conference and a $500 travel stipend. Five additional winners will each receive $50 Amazon gift cards. The winning entry will be featured in the Charleston Conference’s photo desk calendar (for calendar year 2025), which will be given to all conference attendees.  

Librarians and library workers play a pivotal role in ensuring student success and in the scholarly process of researching faculty. We believe investing in their future means investing in all higher ed and as an independent company, we are free to look for new and creative ways to support them. Please feel free to reach out with additional ideas.    

View the full Terms & Conditions.