SAGE Shares Open Research Related to Monkeypox

Drawing from the journals it publishes, SAGE has opened a curated collection of research related to monkeypox and orthopoxvirus (the genus that includes monkeypox) in an effort to support the global response to the disease. Find the full collection below, with articles curated into two lists, one focused on medical science and one focused on social and behavioral science and the lessons we have learned from other epidemics such as AIDS, COVID, and Zika.

SAGE believes firmly in the power of the social and behavioral sciences to convert the best medical research into policies, practices, and procedures to improve – and even save – lives. The below articles help us understand the best communication, policy, and other social practices to support equitable medical and behavioral interventions.

Monkeypox and Orthopoxvirus-Related Medical Research

Social and Behavioral Science Research

To request that additional research articles be opened and added to the collection, please email