Sage takes quality and accuracy very seriously in all our publications, and that includes our social media output.

We use social media to highlight publications, events, and other news about Sage and to highlight interesting developments elsewhere in the disciplines we publish for those who follow our channels.

  • When posting about our own content, events or other news, our social media team check that we are representing those things accurately.

  • When Retweeting or otherwise amplifying content originally posted by others, we fact check that content before posting using the following guidelines:

    • Review who or which organization created the original content. Are they academically or journalistically credible? Review their timeline and background to confirm. Are they writing in an area in which they have specific expertise?

    • Identify the facts in the original content and verify them. Consider not just the narrow facts but the context in which the facts are being used to ensure the facts are not being distorted or are otherwise creating a message that is misleading.

    • Review if the content is referencing another document or other source. If it is, go to the source and make sure the content reflects what is there. If the document or source is not published by Sage and is available to subscribers only, do not amplify the content as readers may not be able to access that document or source themselves.

    • If quoting another person or organization, ensure that the quote is identified by quotation marks and that readers can track back to the original source of the quote.

If we make an error, we aim to correct that error as quickly as possible, and if appropriate to remove our posting.

We are committed to continuously improving all our processes and welcome feedback both on our social media content and on this policy.